For questions about the workshop, registration and hotel reservation
Viktor Klemetz, Viktor.klemetz@ivl.se
Peringe Grennfelt, peringe.grennfelt@ivl.se
Stefan Åström, stefan.astrom@anthesisgroup.com Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Anna Engleryd, anna.engleryd@naturvardsverket.se
Venue and hotel reservations
The meeting will take place at Quality Hotel 11 and Eriksbergshallen, Maskingatan 11 in Gothenburg Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster., Sweden.
- Pre-booked rooms have been reserved for participants in accordance with requests in the registrations.
- Pre-booked rooms are only available between 12th - 17th of March. Participants are requested to contact the organizers if they plan to stay for additional nights.
- Participants are requested to pay for their own accommodation (overnight stay and breakfast) with card.
- The meeting itself is free of charge, including meals.
- For questions, please contact saltsjobaden@ivl.se